A scouting-type movement for children aged from 8 to 15. This involves Bible study, badge work and camping. See cadetsandgems.rcnz.org.nz for more information.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School is for children aged 4-13. It is held at the church building at 9:10 am each Sunday morning during school terms
Youth Group
The youth, 15 years and older, of our churches meet together once a month for Bible study and social activities. Refer to the church calendar for specific dates and times.
Young Adults Bible Study
A Bible study specifically focused upon young adults held on Sunday afternoons between worship services. Refer to the church calendar for specific dates and times.
Richmond & Nelson Bible studies
Fortnightly meetings on Tuesday evenings, 7.30 pm at various homes located in either Richmond or Nelson. Refer to the church calendar for specific dates and times.