Cadets & GEMS

A scouting-type movement for children aged from 8 to 15. This involves Bible study, badge work and camping. See for more information.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is for children aged 4-13. It is held at the church building at 9:10 am each Sunday morning during school terms

Youth Group

The youth, 15 years and older, of our churches meet together once a month for Bible study and social activities. Refer to the church calendar for specific dates and times.

Young Adults Bible Study

A Bible study specifically focused upon young adults held on Sunday afternoons between worship services. Refer to the church calendar for specific dates and times.

Richmond & Nelson Bible studies

Fortnightly meetings on Tuesday evenings, 7.30 pm at various homes located in either Richmond or Nelson. Refer to the church calendar for specific dates and times.

Seniors Bible Study

Ladies Bible study